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Summer Palace-a masterpiece of oriental royal garden art

  • Product Code: beijing-003

Tags: Summer Palace Beijing Summer Palace China's popular tourist cities tourist gathering areas popular attractions the ancient capital of Beijing Beijing tourism strategy Beijing famous attractions Beijing cuisine Chinese tourist attractions Chinese tourist attractions historical attractions museums historical sites

The Summer Palace, a royal garden in the western suburbs of Beijing, China, is a masterpiece of Chinese garden art and one of the world's cultural heritages. The Summer Palace, formerly known as Qingyi Garden, was built in the fifteenth year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty (1750). It was built by Emperor Qianlong to honor his mother and Chongqing Empress Dowager. This garden is based on Kunming Lake and Wanshou Mountain, modeled on the landscape of Hangzhou West Lake, and integrated the design techniques of Jiangnan gardens to form a large-scale landscape garden. The Summer Palace covers a vast area of about 3.009 square kilometers, of which the water occupies a 3/4 area.

The Summer Palace, a royal garden in the western suburbs of Beijing, China, is a masterpiece of Chinese garden art and one of the world's cultural heritages.

The Summer Palace, formerly known as Qingyi Garden, was built in the 15th year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty (1750). It was built by Emperor Qianlong to honor his mother and Chongqing Empress Dowager. This garden is based on Kunming Lake and Wanshou Mountain, modeled on the landscape of Hangzhou West Lake, and integrated the design techniques of Jiangnan gardens to form a large-scale landscape garden. The Summer Palace covers a vast area of about 3.009 square kilometers, of which the water occupies a 3/4 area.

Summer Palace

The architectural style of the Summer Palace is unique, with both the elegance of traditional Chinese architecture and the delicacy of Western architecture. For example, the Jiulongbi in the park shows the artistic achievements of ancient Chinese ceramics with its exquisite pastels, pearls and character portrayals, while the architecture of Dawanyi is entirely taken from the Western style, showing the harmonious integration of traditional Chinese architecture and Western architecture. These buildings not only have high artistic value, but also reflect the superb level of ancient Chinese architectural skills.

In the Summer Palace, visitors can enjoy many famous scenic spots, such as Wanshou Mountain, Kunming Lake, Seventeen-hole Bridge and so on. On Longevity Mountain, the magnificent Buddha Pavilion, Paiyun Hall and Yulan Hall and other buildings are built on the mountain, with great momentum. In Kunming Lake, the sparkling lake and the surrounding buildings set off against each other, forming a beautiful picture. The seventeen-hole bridge has attracted the attention of countless tourists with its unique shape and exquisite carving.

Summer Palace

In addition to the architecture and attractions, the Summer Palace also contains rich cultural connotations. It is the epitome of Chinese culture and history, as well as a historical and cultural education base. In the process of visiting the Summer Palace, visitors can deeply understand the magnificence and delicacy of ancient Chinese royal gardens and feel the breadth and depth of ancient Chinese culture.

In addition, the natural landscape of the Summer Palace is very beautiful. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains and trees here, and feel the charm of nature. At the same time, the Summer Palace also provides perfect tourism facilities and considerate services, so that tourists can enjoy comfort and convenience during the tour.

Summer Palace guide map

In a word, the Summer Palace is a royal garden integrating garden art, architectural art and cultural connotation. It is not only the pride of China, but also the treasure of world cultural heritage. I believe every visitor to the Summer Palace will be deeply attracted by its beauty and charm.

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